Vision & Mission


24x7 Clean, Green Affordable & Reliable Energy for all.


To provide Clean & Green energy using innovative & affordable technologies, which will help achieve Energy Security & Independence.

Product development timeline

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Fraunhofer IKTS and SIEMENS AG Start collaboration

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Technology transfer from SIEMENS AG to Fraunhofer IKTS

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Near netshaped CFY interconnect in cooperation with Planse

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Broader active area (127 cm3) with simple, robust assembly

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High power density cell with 10ScSZ electrolytes

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Symmetric geometry

History of the CFY stack Technology

Plansee and Fraunhofer IKTS worked together for several years and developed the CFY stack design (MK35x). This development dates back to bilateral activities with Siemens AG in the 1990s. The adoption of the stack technology by Fraunhofer IKTS in 1999 enabled a continuous further development of the platform. In 2005, Plansee established its new netshape technology for interconnect manufacturing, which resulted in a significant cost reduction for the bipolar plate in mass production. From 2007 to 2011, Fraunhofer IKTS and Plansee have taken decisive steps for the development of a modern CFY stack design.

Thanks to its excellent performance and its robustness, the MK351 stack is an impressive development. It was endurance-tested for 20,000 hours in a realistic system environment. Over the test period, performance degradation was very low at 0.7 % / 1,000 h. But development still continues. Small modifications to the interconnect allowed pressure loss on the air flux side to be reduced in the optimized MK352 stack design. This is an improvement that is particularly welcome to the system manufacturers. It reduces the power consumption of the air feed, which in turn increases the electrical efficiency of the system. The new MK352 stack design is also being endurance-tested. Currently, it has more than 11,000 operating hours on the clock. And again, performance degradation is at an extremely low level: The cycle stability was improved by factor 1,6, as was demonstrated in a test over 120 combined RedOx and start/stop cycles. mPower GmbH has successfully developed SOFC and SOEC systems based on the MK35X series of stacks platform and has also completed a project for commercialisation of the stack technology under financial support from SAB, Dresden.

mPower formation & beyond

2018 : Start of state of the art manufacturing facilities in Dresden
December 2016 : Start of R&D activities to provide value added tools to customers
February 2016 : Commencement of commercial business
November 2015 : Formation of mPower

Guiding Principles

The existence & core philosophy of the company is based on the foundation of helping every individual become Energy Independent & Secure using Clean & Green Energy Technologies. We are in the business to innovate & make new age technology available to the masses at an affordable cost. Innovation along with basic R&D is what drives the policy & working at mPower.